Jodhpur court today sent spiritual leader Asaram Bapu, arrested for alleged sexual assault on a minor, to 14-day judicial custody, a police official said. Police arrest the self-styled godman Asaram for an alleged sexual assault on a 16-year-old schoolgirl at an ashram in Jodhpur. Confirming the development, a senior police official said, “Asaram has been sent to judicial custody till September 15." His bail application will now come up for hearing tomorrow. While coming out of the court, the self-styled godman asked his followers “to be patient.” Asaram was produced before the court this evening. He was arrested past midnight Saturday from his ashram in Indore, Madhya Pradesh. Speaking to reporters earlier today, Jodhpur police DCP Ajay Pal Lamba rejected the request to reveal details of the potency test conducted on him.
Asaram Bapu was earlier quizzed in connection with the case of sexual assault lodged against him by a 16-year-old girl, an official said. The incident allegedly took place August 15 in his ashram outside Jodhpur city.
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