Former Rajasthan minister Babulal Nagar, accused of raping and assaulting a 35-year-old woman, has been suspended from the Congress party. The woman, in her report to the police, has alleged that the 53-year-old leader had raped and assaulted her at his official bungalow on September 11 after taking her there on the pretext of giving her a job.
"Political rivals have framed me in the false charges of rape
by hiring a woman who is habitual crime offender and registered a case
through court. These rivals were raising fingers at Congress party which
was hurting me," he alleged. "I am Congress party's dedicated and honest worker whom
the party gave ticket three times to run for assembly polls and made MLA
from Dudu constituency. I know once the conspiracy by the woman is
exposed, the party's gates will be opened for me," he anticipated. Mr Nagar resigned as the minister for dairy, khadi and rural industries on September 19 as part of a damage control measure three months ahead of the state Assembly elections. Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot has asked for a CBI inquiry into the incident, currently being investigated by the state government.
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