BJP Rajasthan Chief Minsiter (CM) candidate Vasundhra Raje issued a "Black Paper" and "Black CD" releasing data containing congress Goverments misrule and Corruption Practices in five years. The 100-page document and CD were issued by state BJP chief Vasundhara Raje at the party headquarters here. On this occasion, party leader Kirit Somaiyya said the list consists of "documentary evidence of 60 scams involving Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot, his family members and 12 cabinet colleagues."
He said the party has submitted memorandums to the President, Governor of Rajasthan, state Lokayukta and Chief Secretary demanding a probe into these cases. Somaiyya said of the 60 cases mentioned in the document issued today, court has taken cognisance of 12 of them, while the government has not responded to any of these cases.
He said the party has submitted memorandums to the President, Governor of Rajasthan, state Lokayukta and Chief Secretary demanding a probe into these cases. Somaiyya said of the 60 cases mentioned in the document issued today, court has taken cognisance of 12 of them, while the government has not responded to any of these cases.
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