Adarsh Shastri, the grandson of former Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri and son of Congress leader Anil Shahstri has left his job as the sales head in Apple Inc and joined Arvind Kejriwal’s Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), said a news report on Saturday. Adarsh thanked people on Twitter for their wishes. “Thanks for your wishes, will try and live up to my grandfather’s name, we all feel his vacuum in these trying times,” he said.
As AAP National Convener Arvind Kejriwal took oath as the Delhi Chief Minister along with six Cabinet ministers at Ramlila Maidan, Shastri said, “Today Delhi has witnessed the beginning of a new era, transfer of power of the people to the people by the people, democracy has truly won.” With the announcement of Assembly election results on December 8 and AAP having a stunning debut, he said, “Victory of AAP is reaffirmation by people in the now old fashioned values of transparency and probity as espoused by my grandfather Shastriji.” He added, “With this massive defeat, witness the stage acting within Congress, save the chosen one or be doomed!! Rahul Gandhi, wake up and recognise new India!!” AAP which won 28 seats in the recently concluded elections is forming the government in the national capital with the outside support of the Congress which won eight seats.
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