Vasundhara Raje to take oath as Rajasthan CM on 13th December 2013 (Friday) at Jaipur. The BJP Legislature Party in Rajasthan unanimously elected the party’s State president Vasundhara Raje as its leader on Monday, paving the way for her appointment as the next Chief Minister. Ms. Raje is likely to stake the claim for formation of a government on Tuesday and take the oath on 13th December 2013, Friday. In a related development, Governor Margaret Alva dissolved the 13th Assembly and issued a notification for the constitution of the 14th Assembly, in which the BJP enjoys more than a three-fourths majority.
BJP on Sunday wrested power from Congress decimating it by grabbing a four-fifth majority in the 200-member Rajasthan Assembly. In its worst ever performance in the desert state, Congress could manage just 21 seats out of the 199 for which polling was held while BJP secured 162 seats. Election officials said that BJP won 162 seats, Congress 21, Independents 7, NPP 4, BSP 3 and others 2. Rajasthan is likely to witness a major bureaucratic reshuffle after swearing-in ceremony of Vasundhara Raje, media report.
BJP on Sunday wrested power from Congress decimating it by grabbing a four-fifth majority in the 200-member Rajasthan Assembly. In its worst ever performance in the desert state, Congress could manage just 21 seats out of the 199 for which polling was held while BJP secured 162 seats. Election officials said that BJP won 162 seats, Congress 21, Independents 7, NPP 4, BSP 3 and others 2. Rajasthan is likely to witness a major bureaucratic reshuffle after swearing-in ceremony of Vasundhara Raje, media report.
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