मिशन इन्द्रधुनष का तीसरा चरण 7 अप्रेल से वंचित बच्चों का होगा टीकाकरण
जयपुर, 29 मार्च। प्रदेश में टीकाकरण के ‘‘मिशन इन्द्रधनुष’’ अभियान का तीसरा चरण 7 अप्रेल से 13 अपे्रल तक आयोजित किया जायेगा। यह अभियान अगले 4 चार माह तक प्रतिमाह 7 तारीख से 13 तारीख तक संचालित कर नियमित टीकाकरण में छूटे हुए बच्चों का टीकाकरण किया जायेगा। मिशन इन्द्रधनुष का यह चरण अप्रेल, मई, जून व जुलाई माह में संचालित किया जायेगा एवं बच्चों व गर्भवती महिलाओं को 7 बीमारियों से बचाव के लिये 7 प्रकार के टीक लगाये जायेंगे। चिकित्सा एवं स्वास्थ्य मंत्री श्री राजेन्द्र राठौड़ ने बताया कि मिशन इन्द्रधनुष के तीसरे चरण में 12 जिलों अलवर, जयपुर, जोधपुर, बाड़मेर, बूंदी, टोंक, सवाईमाधोपुर, करौली, धौलपुर, चित्तौड़गढ़, प्रतापगढ़ एवं नागौर में यह अभियान संचालित किया जायेगा। इस कार्यक्रम के तहत रिक्त उप स्वास्थ्य केंद्रों, पल्स पोलियो में चिन्हित हाई रिस्क क्षेत्रों, दूरदराज की ढाणियों व दुर्गम क्षेत्रों में विशेष टीकाकरण सत्र आयोजित कर टीकाकरण से वंचित बच्चों व गर्भवतियों को टीके लगाये जाएंगे। श्री राठौड़ ने बताया कि मिशन इन्द्रधुनष के तीसरे चरण के लिए आवश्यक तैयारियां की जा रही हैं। केन्द्र व राज्य सरकार के मानिटर नियुक्त किये गये हैं एवं वैक्सीन पर्याप्त मात्रा में उपलब्ध कराने की व्यवस्था सुनिश्चित की जा रही है। सभी मुख्य चिकित्सा एवं स्वास्थ्य अधिकारियों को मिशन इन्द्रधुनष के लिए व्यापक प्रचार-प्रसार करने के भी निर्देश दिये गये हैं। मिशन इंद्रधनुष अभियान वर्ष 2015 में 9 जिलों में आयोजित किया गया एवं टीकाकरण के कुल 94 हजार 672 सत्र आयोजित कर 82.6 प्रतिशत लक्ष्य अर्जित किया गया। इसी तरह मिशन इन्द्रधनुष का दूसरा चरण 15 जिलों में अक्टूबर से जनवरी में आयोजित कर 94.9 प्रतिशत उपलब्धि अर्जित की गयी।
रीट परीक्षा 2016 के निरस्त प्रश्नों की एवज में नियमानुसार बोनस अंक दिए जाएंगे - शिक्षा राज्य मंत्री
Monday, March 28, 2016Ajmer News, Campus News, Career and Jobs, Exam News, Exam Results, Hindi, Jaipur News, Rajasthan NewsNo comments

जयपुर, 28 मार्च। शिक्षा राज्य मंत्री प्रो. वासुदेव देवनानी ने सोमवार को विधानसभा में आश्वस्त किया कि रीट परीक्षा 2016 में अंतिम रूप से निरस्त होने वाले प्रश्नों की एवज में अभ्यर्थियों को वर्ष 2011-12 के नियमों के अनुरूप ही बोनस अंक दिये जायेंगे। प्रो. देवनानी ने शून्यकाल में इस संबंध में विधायक श्री हमीर सिंह द्वारा लाये गये ध्यानाकर्षण प्रस्ताव के जवाब में बताया कि सात फरवरी, 2016 को आयोजित रीट परीक्षा दो स्तर पर आयोजित की गई थी। उन्होंने बताया कि प्रथम स्तर की परीक्षा में कुल एक लाख 47 हजार 801 एवं द्वितीय स्तर की परीक्षा में 6 लाख 66 हजार 176 अभ्यर्थी शामिल हुए थे। उन्होंने बताया कि गत पांच मार्च को इस परीक्षा की उत्तर कुंजी जारी करने के बाद 19 मार्च तक आपत्तियां मांगी गई थी जिनमें पांच हजार 199 अभ्यर्थियों ने आपत्तियां दर्ज कराई। उन्होंने बताया कि प्रथम स्तर की परीक्षा में 17 विषयों के 510 प्रश्न एवं द्वितीय स्तर की परीक्षा में 17 विषयों के 570 प्रश्नों सहित कुल 1080 प्रश्न थे इन प्रश्नों में से प्रत्येक स्तर के लिए अभ्यर्थियों को 150 प्रश्न हल करने थे। उन्होंने आश्वस्त किया कि 19 मार्च 2016 को इस संबंध में आयोजित बैठक में निर्णय लिया गया कि भर्ती परीक्षा में अंतिम रूप से निरस्त होने वाले प्रश्नों के लिए अभ्यर्थियों को टेट परीक्षा के लिए 2011-12 में इस तरह के प्रश्नों के लिए बनाये गये नियमों के अनुरूप बोनस अंक दिये जायेंगे तथा किसी भी अभ्यर्थियों के साथ किसी तरह का अन्याय नहीं होगा।
विवाह पंजीयन की ऑनलाईन सेवा “पहचान” शुरू
जयपुर 22 मार्च । आर्थिक एवं सांख्यिकी निदेशालय के वेब पोर्टल “पहचान” के माध्यम से ऑनलाईन विवाह पंजीयन का शुभारम्भ मुख्यमंत्री द्वारा सोमवार को राजस्थान आई.टी. दिवस पर बिड़ला ऑडिटोरियम, जयपुर में किया गया। मुख्यमंत्री नेें उपस्थित नव दम्पतियों चीना शर्मा एवं विकास शर्मा, कुसुम शर्मा एवं सोमेश भारद्वाज, सुमन मीना एवं कमलेश कुमार मीना, प्रियंका जैन एवं अमित गोयल, रेखा सैनी एवं पुष्पेन्द्र चौरडिया, आयुषी जैन एवं वैभव छाबड़ा, को “पहचान” पोर्टल द्वारा ई-मित्र केन्द्रों के माध्यम से डिजिटली कम्प्यूट्रीकृत विवाह प्रमाण-पत्र प्रदान कियेे। जन्म, मृत्यु के बाद अब विवाह पंजीयन कार्य को ऑनलाईन करने में राजस्थान, देश के अग्रणी राज्यों में से एक हैं। सूचना और प्रौद्योगिकी की नवीनतम तकनीक का समावेश कर राज्य में सेवा प्रदाय प्रणाली को अधिक पारदर्शी एवं आमजन के लिए सुगम बनाने के प्रयासों के अन्तर्गत आयोजना विभाग, आर्थिक एवं सांख्यिकी निदेशालय द्वारा अभिनव पहल करते हुए राज्य में एक जनवरी, 2014 से जन्म एवं मृत्यु की घटनाओं का ऑनलाईन रजिस्ट्रेशन विभागीय वेबपोर्टल ’’पहचान’’http://pehchan.raj.nic.in के माध्यम से किया जा रहा है। राजस्थान जन्म एवं मृत्यु रजिस्ट्रीकरण नियम के तहत ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों में ग्राम पंचायत के ग्राम सेवक एवं पदेन सचिव को एवं शहरी क्षेत्रों में नगरीय निकायों के अधिशाषी अधिकारियों को जन्म-मृत्यु रजिस्ट्रार घोषित किया हुआ है। इस प्रकार राज्य में जन्म-मृत्यु पंजीयन एवं विवाह पंजीयन के लिए ग्रामीण एवं शहरी क्षेत्रों में रजिस्ट्रार की एक समान व्यवस्था है। इसी श्रृंखला को आगे बढ़ाते हुए विवाह पंजीयन का कार्य वेब पोर्टल ’पहचान’ के माध्यम से ऑनलाईन प्रारम्भ किया गया है। वर्तमान में विवाह पंजीकरण का अधिकांश कार्य रजिस्ट्रार कार्यालयों में हस्तलिखित किया जा रहा है। एनआईसी के द्वारा विकसित इस वेबपेार्टल पर विवाह का पंजीयन होेने पर प्रगति रिपोर्ट सृजित होकर ऑनलाईन उपलब्ध हो सकेगी। आमजन की सुविधा हेतु जन्म-मृत्यु के साथ-साथ विवाह पंजीकरण के आवेदन करने एवं प्रमाण पत्र उपलब्ध कराने की सुविधा राज्य में संचालित 35 हजार ई-मित्र केन्द्रों पर उपलब्ध कराई गयी है। इस व्यवस्था के माध्यम से विवाह पंजीयन का कार्य भी राज्य में ई-मित्र केन्द्रों के माध्यम से कराया जा सकेगा। इस व्यवस्था से राज्य में एक समान पंजीकरण एवं प्रमाण पत्रों की व्यवस्था लागू होगी, जिससे आमजन को ई-मित्र के द्वारा सरल, सुगम एवं शीघ्र पंजीयन की सुविधा ऑनलाईन प्राप्त होगी एवं डिजिटल हस्ताक्षरित कम्प्यूट्रीकृत प्रमाण पत्र प्राप्त हो सकेंगे। इस वेबपोर्टल के माध्यम से विवाह पंजीयन की सूचना SMS से आवेदक को दी जाएगी एवं पंजीयन उपरान्त प्रमाण पत्र आवेदक को ई-मेल पर भी प्राप्त हो सकेगा।
Indian Air Force conducts ‘Iron Fist’ Exercise at Rajasthan’s Pokhran
Saturday, March 19, 2016Bikaner News, India News, Jaipur News, Jodhpur News, People, Rajasthan News, Rajasthan TourismNo comments

Indian Air Force’s day-night exercise demonstrating its combat and fire power was conducted on 18 Mar 16 at Rajasthan’s Pokhran firing range in the presence of Hon’ble President Shri Pranab Mukherjee and Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi. Air Chief Marshal Arup Raha, Chairman Chiefs of Staff Committee and the Chief of the Air Staff in his welcome address gave an insight into the exercise and the modernisation in the Indian Air Force. During his address, he stated that the primary objective of this exercise is to reassure the nation about our commitment and capabilities in safeguarding our national interests. The Air Chief said that the IAF moves ahead on its transformation path despite certain constraints, maintaining a high combat potential for meeting challenges. The event comprised six packages depicting six themes in which more than 180 aircraft, including fighters, transport and helicopters participated.
Fly Past: The great journey of the IAF over eight decades was summed up by means of this package, with the aircraft of yesteryear flying wing to wing along with the latest acquisitions of the Indian Air Force. A MiG-27 aircraft heralded the commencement of the flypast by towing the Ex “Iron Fist” banner, which was followed by Supersonic run by the MiG-29 aircraft. The “real time recce” capability of the IAF was displayed by a Jaguar aircraft. Vintage aircraft flypast by “Tigermoth” evoked the memories of the birth of military aviation in India and was followed by the Pilatus, the latest trainer aircraft of the IAF. The fly past by a mixed formation comprising a MiG-21 Bison, MiG-27 Upgrade, MiG-29 and the mighty Su-30, showcased the transformation of the IAF over the decades.
Net Enabled Operations: This segment commenced by the majestic fly past of the indigenously developed Airborne Early Warning and Control System and the display of AWACS aircraft. The flypast was followed by a synchronized multiple aircraft weapon delivery demonstration of precision based bombing at simulated enemy targets by Mirage-2000, Su-30, MiG-27 Upgrade aircraft and the Jaguar.
Air Defence Operations: After demonstrating the offensive capabilities, the exercise demonstrated the multi-layered Air Defence Operations of the IAF. It comprised of the fly past by the Flight Refuelling aircraft (IL-78 FRA) along with two Su-30 aircraft and the indigenously built Light Combat Aircraft ‘Tejas’, which displayed its swing role attack capabilities by delivering Laser Guided Bomb (LGB) followed by firing an air to air missile, engaging both targets with deadly precision. The phase also included Surface to Air Guided Weapons like the IGLA shoulder-fired missile system and the OSA-AK missiles striking down airborne targets successfully. There was also a spectacular simulation of a Combat Search and Rescue operation carried out by the IAF’s versatile helicopters, the Mi-35, Mi-25 and Mi-17V5.
Combat Support Operations: This phase showcased the very important role played by the Indian Air Force in support of the ground forces. There were numerous targets simulating the enemy’s vital assets, engaged on the ground from the air by a variety of aircraft on the IAF’s inventory. Apart from the fighters, the assault landing capability of versatile C-130 J aircraft and the fire fighting capability of the Mi-17V5, were also displayed in this phase.
Flying Displays: After the demonstration of live weapon, an array of aerobatic displays by the Sarangs, the Suryakirans and the Su-30 added a dash of colour to the evening. The Air Warrior Drill Team (AWDT) and Air Force Symphony Orchestra (AWSO) enthralled the audience with their performances.
All Weather Operations: As the night drew upon the desert skies, the night capabilities of the IAF came to the fore. A number of targets were engaged in this phase by fighters, transport aircraft and helicopters using rockets as well as bombs. The “Search light” and Slithering Operations engaged the attention of the audience while the Combat Free Fall during the night phase showed how the IAF could take on insertion of troops in the enemy territory undetected. The Akash Missile firing was a first in the history of Fire Power Demonstration. The exercise inched towards a close by a beautiful and awe-inspiring display of Flare dispensation by a C-130J and an An-32 aircraft. The final event of the exercise was the awesome display of firepower by a MiG-27 Upgrade aircraft, giving a befitting close to a grand display.
The event showcased more than 22 types of platforms and Weapons Systems. Frontline fighter aircraft including Sukhoi-30, Mirage-2000, Jaguar, MiG-29, Attack helicopters, Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) and high tech AWACS displayed their potential during the show in which prestigious indigenous project – Light Combat Aircraft “Tejas” was also a part. Transport aircraft like An-32, Embraer, IL-76, IL-78 and C-130J participated in all their glory while medium lift helicopters (Mi-17, Mi-17 1V, Mi-17 V5) and attack helicopters (Mi-25, Mi-35) constituted the rotary wing ingredients.
Defence Minister Shri Manohar Parikar, Hon’ble Rajasthan Governor Shri Kalyan Singh, Chief Minister Smt Vasundhara Raje and Chiefs of Indian Army and Indian Navy were among others present during the Exercise. The President, Prime Minister and the Defence Minister complimented Air Chief Marshal Arup Raha and Air Marshal RK Dhir, Air Officer Commanding-in-Chief of the South Western Air Command for the excellent Fire Power Demonstration.
President to witness Iron Fist 2016 in Rajasthan
President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee will visit Rajasthan tomorrow (March 18, 2016) where he will witness Exercise Iron Fist 2016 at Air Force Firing Range, Pokhran.
Exercise Iron Fist is a biennial event that showcases the firepower capacity of the Indian Air Force. The exercise will include combat manoeuvres and live firing of Air-to-Ground and Air-to-Air precision weapons by Fighters, Transport Aircraft and Helicopters.
Rajasthan CM presents Rs Rs 99,693 crore Budget for 2016-17
Tuesday, March 08, 2016Budget Speech, Business News, India News, Jaipur News, People, Rajasthan NewsNo comments

Rajasthan Chief Minister (CM) Vasundhara Raje present her 3rd annual Budget for year 2016-17 with a plan size of Rs 99,693 crore and fiscal deficit of 5.62 per cent. The budget, which includes the impact of UDAY (Ujwal Discom Assurance Yojna) scheme, projected a fiscal deficit of Rs 43,147 crore, or 5.62 per cent of GSDP. In her budget speech, Raje announced VAT exemptions for solar torches, biomass stoves, kerosene lamps, hurricane lanterns, kerosene wick stoves, kerosene pressure stoves, sugarcane, sattu, marble articles costing up to Rs 1,000, sewing needles, safety matches and camphor, among others. Items made by prisoners in jails were also exempted from VAT, while it was reduced from 5.5 per cent to 2 per cent on all types of yarn. She also kept DLC rates of agriculture, residential and commercial lands unchanged for the next financial year. The revenue deficit in 2015-16 was Rs 5,231 crore because of reduction in revenue due to fall in the rates of crude oil, drop in the state's share in central taxes and increase in subsidy given to power companies. Rajasthan GK App: http://tinyurl.com/rajasthangk
Salient Features of the Budget 2016-17:
1. Fiscal Indicators
Salient Features of the Budget 2016-17:
1. Fiscal Indicators
- Estimated Revenue Surplus/Deficit for 2016-17
- Without effect of UDAY - Surplus of Rs. 198.01 crore
- With effect of UDAY - Deficit of Rs. 8801.99 crore
- Estimated Fiscal Deficit for 2016-17
- Without effect of UDAY - Rs. 23014 crore which is 3% of GSDP
- With effect of UDAY - Rs. 43147.24 crore which is 5.62% of GSDP
- Estimated total revenue receipts for 2016-17 Rs. 123250.53 crore
- Estimated own tax revenue for the year 2016-17 Rs. 53300.01 crore against Rs. 45670.01 crore in the 2015-16 RE, which is higher by 16.71%
- Estimated own tax revenue for 2016-17 as percentage of GSDP is 6.95%
- Estimated interest payment in 2016-17 is Rs. 17526.63 crore which is 14.22 % of total revenue receipts.
- 2000 kms. of Gramin Gaurav Path and missing links in 2016-17
- 4303 kms. road construction under PMGSY at the cost of Rs. 1618 crore to connect 1468 habitations with population between 250-350.
- Completion of 2702 kms. of renewal of non-patchable roads at cost of Rs. 605 crore. Another 2500 kms. of such roads to be taken up in 2016-17 at cost of Rs. 600 crore.
- Rs. 103 crore 94 lac for improvement in Goverdhan and Brij Chorasi Kos Parikrama route in Bharatpur.
- Kacha Marg for pilgrims going from Jodhpur to Ramdevra at the cost of Rs. 14 crore 64 lacs.
- 4 new National Highways declared by GoI this year.
- Rs. 300 crore to be spent on improvement on national highway roads passing through populated area where national highway has now made a bypass.
- Rs. 5690 crore provision for PWD which is 21.90% more than RE 2015-16
- New building of Jodhpur RTO to be constructed at cost of Rs. 9.13 crore, Rs. 120 crore granted to RSRTC for Reformed Linked Programme
- Bisalpur Jaipur Water Scheme Phase-II to be constructed at cost of Rs. 1945 crore.
- Rs. 213 crore for Sirohi District water supply through Dam on Battisa Nala to be started.
- Rs. 100 crore for repairing of 1000 for Janta Jal Yozana
- Takeover of more than Rs. 60000 crore of DISCOM debt by State Govt. in two years under Uday scheme.
- 4283 MW increased in generation capacity in last two years.
- Highest production of solar energy in India (1273 MW). Minimum tariff for solar energy.
- 40,000 new agriculture connections in 2016-17.
- 79% hike in allocation for tourist area development works.
- New State Institute of Hotel Management (SIHM) in Sawaimadhopur and Jhalawar and upgradation of Food and Craft Institute to SIHN in Udaipur.
- New institute of food and craft institute (FCI) in Dholpur and Baran.
- Development of building of Rajasthan Sanskrit Academy in Gangouri Bazar, Jaipur as Vedic Heritage and Manuscript Conservation and Research Centre.
- Nagar Van Yojna to be implemented in Jaipur and Ajmer.
- 100% subsidy for new cooking gas connection for residents of an around Sariska, Ranthambhor and Mukundra Tiger Reserve. 40000 connection to be given next year.
- Land bank for industries to be increased to 10000 hectare by RIICO with GIS provision
- 122 acre green field electronic manufacturing cluster to be setup in Karoli, Alwar.
- State to give Rs. 66 crore as shared in CETPs upgradation at Balotra, Pali and Jasol.
- Skill development of 11000 youths in textile.
- Improvement in single window system. RIPs online portal to be started in all districts.
- National Institute of Design to be established in Jaipur. State to give 50 acre free land.
- Provision for Rajasthan Leather Handicraft and Modernisation Scheme increased five times.
- Rs. 150 crore for medical, environment and road related works in mining area
- Rs. 2471 crore relief given to farmers for RABI-2015 hailstorm.
- Rs. 676.37 crore for new Prime Minister Crop Insurance Scheme.
- Global Rajasthan Agritech Meet to be organised in 2016.
- Increase in subsidy for Drip, Sprinkler, Mini Sprinkler and Shade net to 50% and 70% for different categories of farmers.
- Centre of Excellence in Organic farming at FTI Jhalawar.
- Rs. 7205 crore to be given a subsidy to DISCOMs for subsidised power to farmers.
- e-Mandi portal for online sale of produce.
- 1000 new animal health sub-centres. Construction cost of Rs. 80 crore and recurring Rs. 20 crore.
- New Bhamashah Animal Insurance Scheme with 50 to 70% subsidy for premium amount payment for different category of Pashupalak.
- Rajasthan Water Sector Livelihood improvement project to be implemented in 24 districts at cost of Rs. 3461 crore.
- Rajasthan Water Sector Restructuring Project for desert area to be implemented in 8 districts at cost of Rs. 3264 crore.
- PARWAN project to be executed at cost of Rs. 4824 crore to benefit Kota, Baran and Jhalawar districts. Provision of Rs. 700 crore next year.
- Rs. 128 crore to be spend in next 8 years for hydrological information system
- Rs. 370 crore for interest subvention scheme for agriculture crop loan and maintenance of CRAR of three Co-operative banks.
6. Human Resource and Social Development
- Expansive social security network developed through PMISY, PMJY, Bhamashah Medical Insurance Scheme, PM Crop Insurance Scheme and new Animal Insurance Scheme.
- Increase in mess allowance of SJED, TAD, Minorities Hostels to Rs. 2000 per month per student.
- Increase in gift amount for widow remarriage to Rs. 30000.
- Running of two 280 capacity residential schools in Barmer from next year Rs. 4.44 crore.
- Coaching in Kota and Jaipur for one thousand eligible students for IIM, IIT etc.
- 6 new residential schools and 5 hostels under Dev Narain Yojana in next 3 years.
- Reservation of 3% seats in cinemas for specially abled.
- Rs. 75 crore in three years for repairs of govt. aanganbadi.
- Rs. 53.79 crore for development works in minority blocks.
- Running of 61 Swami Vivekanand Modal Schools from next year.
- More than Rs. 1750 crore in 2016-17 under RMSA.
- New CM Jansahbhagita School Development Scheme - Rs. 25 crore.
- District level evaluation exams for class-V from 2016-17.
- State level Sanskrit teachers training institute at Mahapura, Jaipur.
- Total allocation of Rs. 23177 crore for School Education which as increase of 14.47% from RE of 2015-16.
- Rs. 173 crore for infrastructure development of colleges and universities.
- wi-fi in 5 colleges on pilot basis.
- Bikaner Technical University to be established.
- Increase in 350 MBBS seats in state medical colleges - Rs. 420 crore
- Rs. 400 crore for National Food Security Act
- 1.11 lac youth trained by RSLDC, 40000 youth given campus placement in ITIs govt. technical colleges etc. and 4.74 lac new EPF accounts created in last 26 months.
- Increase in budget for Local Self Government and Urban Development Departments by 33.57% in BE 2016-17 as compared to RE 2015-16.
- Jaipur and Udaipur selected as smart cities - provision of Rs. 400 crore in 2016-17.
- 37 towns to benefit from RUIDP Phase-IV project for sewerage, drainage etc. -Total cost Rs. 4200 crore
- Provision of Rs. 73 crore in 2016-17 for completing ongoing sewerages works in 7 towns.
- Wi-fi facility to be expanded in selected public areas in Jaipur
- Provision of Rs. 15378 crore for Panchayati Raj and Rural Development
- Rs. 440 crore for Jal Swavlamban Scheme.
- e-panchayat to be started.
- Rs. 4.90 crore for infrastructure in 47 new panchayat samiti's offices.
- Scheme for fire tenders in Gram Panchayat with more than 15000 population.
- Camps at Gram Panchayat Head Quarters.
- Rs. 100 crore for Guru Govalkar Scheme.
- Rs. 31.50 crore for housing for others selected categories.
8. Digital Rajasthan and Good Governance
- Rs. 115 crore for transferring Rs. 2000 to female bank accounts under Bhamashah.
- Starting 15000 e-mitra pay points.
- 389 new bank branches opened till now this year. 500 more to be opened next year
- Rs. 163 crore for new construction of buildings under revenue deptt.
- Yudha Sewa medal series winners to get cash and land award
- 1000 subordinate houses to be constructed in 3 years - Rs. 190 crore
- new CJ and MM Courts at Malakhera and Jamvaramgarh
- Motor Accident Claim Tribunal at Bharatpur
- VAT exemptions for solar torches, biomass stoves, kerosene lamps, hurricane lanterns, kerosene wick stoves, kerosene pressure stoves, sugarcane, sattu, marble articles costing up to Rs 1,000, sewing needles, safety matches and camphor, among others.
- Instead of multiple forms, a single unified online form for registration and return for all the taxes.
- SBI e-pay Gateway is now linked to e-GRAS (Government Receipt Accounting System) by which payment can be made through 35 banks instead of 8 banks earlier.
- Items made by prisoners in jails were also exempted from VAT, while it was reduced from 5.5 per cent to 2 per cent on all types of yarn.
- Reduction in VAT from 14.5 per cent to 5.5 per cent on all types of plastic goods, pickles, measuring tape, carpets, electric switchgears, SD cards, memory cards, pen drives and health fitness equipments.
- VAT of 5.5 per cent on semi-stitched garments, 5.5 per cent on guar gum and guar gum powder, 15 per cent increase on all types of cigarettes, increase of 2 per cent in luxury tax on all hotels, except heritage hotels of basic and classic categories having a tariff of more than Rs 10,000.
- DLC rates of agriculture, residential and commercial lands unchanged for the next financial year.