In the context of ‘Global Rajasthan Agritech Meet 2016’ (GRAM) scheduled to be held in Jaipur from 9 to 11 November Chief Minister Smt. Vasundhara Raje on Tuesday met envoys of 3 countries at Bikaner House in New Delhi. She had one-to-one meetings with the Ambassador of Netherlands, Mr. Alphonsus Stoelinga; High Commissioner of Australia, Ms. Harinder Sidhu and Ambassador of Israel, Mr. Daniel Carmon. During the meeting she informed the envoys that the prime objective of ‘GRAM’ is to expose farming communities to the technological advancements and global best-practices in farming and allied activities while showcasing investment opportunities in the State to agri-business communities across the world. The Chief Minister further informed that State is actively working towards doubling farm income by the year 2022. Necessary interventions relating to policy, technology and infrastructure have been made to achieve sustainable enhancement in the agriculture sector, she said. Agriculture in Israel is a highly developed industry as it’s a major exporter of fresh produce and a world-leader in agriculture technologies despite the fact that the geography of Israel is not naturally conducive to agriculture like Rajasthan. Netherlands in total has 2 million hectares of agriculture land out of which 50 percent is used for crop production. It’s the world’s largest exporter of agricultural products. The agri-food sector is one of the main drivers of the Dutch economy. Australia has succeeded in farming the world’s driest inhabited continent, through technology innovation and ability to adapt production systems. Australia’s plant, animal and agricultural scientists rank among the best in the world. All the three countries are strong performers in agriculture, horticulture, dairy, and other allied sectors.
The Global Rajasthan Agritech Meet will be held from 9 to 11 November at the Jaipur Exhibition and Convention Center (JECC) at Sitapura in Jaipur. Jointly organized by the Government of Rajasthan and Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI), the event will be attended by over 50,000 farmers. Deputy Chairman of CM Advisory Council Shri CS Rajan, Chief Secretary Shri OP Meena, Principal Secretary, Agriculture, Smt. Neelkamal Darbari, Secretary, Animal Husbandry Shri Kunji Lal Meena, FICCI Secretary General, Shri A Didar Singh and KPMG Partner and Head Consumer Retail and Agri Sector Shri Rajat Wahi were present in the meeting.
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