Rajasthan government has approached the Supreme Court against the acquittal of actor Salman Khan in two 18-year-old cases of deer poaching, a blow for the controversial actor who has had several run-ins with the law. Salman was acquitted by the Rajasthan HC on July 25 this year in the two cases - poaching of two chinkaras at Bhawad on September 26-27, 1998 and poaching of another one in the Ghoda Farm area on September 2829, 1998 in Jodhpur.
In 2006, a trial court in Jodhpur had sentenced Salman to five years and a year of imprisonment in both cases respectively . The state's additional advocate general Shiv Mangal has now moved the Special Leave Petitions (SLPs) in the apex court. Additional advocate general K L Thakur, who represented the state in the HC at Jodhpur, recommended to the state government that the actor's acquittal be challenged before the SC.
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