Police seized Rs 93.52 lakh in Rs 2,000 currency notes from seven people in Jaipur on Monday. Three people were arrested and the others detained in the two separate seizures. Two people were detained allegedly after Rs 64 lakh, of which Rs 58 lakh was in denomination of Rs 2,000 notes, was seized from them, police said. "On a tip off, a joint team of the CID's Crime Branch and local police intercepted their car when it was roaming in the area apparently to facilitate exchange of demonetised notes," DCP (West) Ashok Gupta said, adding of the total amount Rs 6 lakh was in denomination of Rs 100 notes. The Income Tax department has been informed about the seizure and they are probing the matter, he said.
In another incident, three persons were arrested for allegedly robbing a Bikaner-based businessman of Rs 83 lakh that was in denomination of Rs 2,000 notes. "Three of the five accused in the case have been arrested. All of them were friends of businessman Rajesh. Police have also seized Rs 28 lakh from their possession," Gupta said, adding the other accused, both policeman, are absconding. The incident occurred two to three days back when he had come here to meet them and exchange his money in demonetised Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes, he said.
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