People of Rajasthan belong to different castes and tribes. In the area around Jaipur, Alwar, Bharatpur and Dholpur in the southwest of the state, locals belong to the Minas, Meos and Banjaras, Gadia Lohars, communities and were mostly traveling tradesmen and artisans. The Bhils, famed archers of the legends and one of the oldest tribes of India inhabit the districts of Bhilwara, Chittaurgarh, Dungarpur, Banswarara, Udaipur, and Sirohi. The Grasias and nomadic Kathodis live in the Mewar region. The Sahariyas are found in the Kota district, and the Rabaris of the Marwar region are nomadic cattle breeders. The important communities of Rajasthan are the Jats, Rajputs, Brahmans and the traders. The Rajputs are the martial race, known for their chivalry and valour. The Brahmans were the priests and teachers while the Mahajans are still the backbone of the village economy. The Jats and the Gujars are the agricultural communities.
The women wear long, flowing cotton ‘ghagras’ (skirts) made from upto 10 m of cloth in dazzling colours, highlighted by sparkling gold and silver ‘gota’ or ‘zari’ that offset the dull, barren landscape. They love to wear chunky silver jewellery and keep their faces completely veiled for privacy and also to protect themselves from the scorching sun and sand. The men are tall and handsome and usually sport long, twirled moustaches and often a beard. They wear colourful turbans (worn in different styles, denoting caste and region), often made of the tie-and-dye fabric that is a specialty of the region.
The people have an amazing zest for life and are as fun loving as industrious. They have a rich tradition of folk music and dance, each region with its own dance styles, songs and music. Several communities of professional performers - the Bhaats, Dholis, Mirasis, Nats, Bhopas and Bhands, spend their lives going from village to village. The villagers patronise them and even participate in their performances.
The women wear long, flowing cotton ‘ghagras’ (skirts) made from upto 10 m of cloth in dazzling colours, highlighted by sparkling gold and silver ‘gota’ or ‘zari’ that offset the dull, barren landscape. They love to wear chunky silver jewellery and keep their faces completely veiled for privacy and also to protect themselves from the scorching sun and sand. The men are tall and handsome and usually sport long, twirled moustaches and often a beard. They wear colourful turbans (worn in different styles, denoting caste and region), often made of the tie-and-dye fabric that is a specialty of the region.
The people have an amazing zest for life and are as fun loving as industrious. They have a rich tradition of folk music and dance, each region with its own dance styles, songs and music. Several communities of professional performers - the Bhaats, Dholis, Mirasis, Nats, Bhopas and Bhands, spend their lives going from village to village. The villagers patronise them and even participate in their performances.
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