he BJP is set to seal two crucial seat-sharing deals in the next fortnight — with the RLD in Uttar Pradesh, and INLD in Haryana. The alliance with Mr Om Prakash Chautala’s outfit will be announced shortly, to be followed by an announcement on the alliance with RLD soon after. The partnership with the two Jat-dominated outfits is expected to give a fillip to the NDA’s prospects in Haryana and western Uttar Pradesh. While Mr Ajit Singh’s party is likely to be allocated Baghpat, Muzaffarnagar, Bijnore/Nagina, Mathura/Saharanpur/Amroha, the 10 Lok Sabha seats in Haryana are likely to be apportioned on a 6:4 ratio, with the BJP cornering six seats, and INLD contesting the remaining four seats. While the BJP will be allowed to field candidates from Ambala, Karnal, Gurgaon, Faridabad, Rohtak and Sonepat, INLD will be earmarked Bhiwani, Hissar, Kurukshetra and Sirsa.
In the 1999 Lok Sabha polls, BJP and INLD had contested five seats each in Haryana. This time round, however, Mr Chautala, keen to enlist the backing of the saffron party, is willing to concede the Rohtak Lok Sabha seat to BJP. In return, he has been assured INLD will be awarded the lion’s share of seats during assembly elections scheduled for 2010.
In the 1999 Lok Sabha polls, BJP and INLD had contested five seats each in Haryana. This time round, however, Mr Chautala, keen to enlist the backing of the saffron party, is willing to concede the Rohtak Lok Sabha seat to BJP. In return, he has been assured INLD will be awarded the lion’s share of seats during assembly elections scheduled for 2010.
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