CM Ashok Gehlot on Sunday directed the senior officials to explore the option of moving to the Supreme Court to remove the legal hurdles. Gehlot was speaking at the special convention of the Rajasthan Prashasanik Seva Parishad (RPSP) at the OTS on Sunday. "While IAS officers get time-bound promotions or for even before time, it is very unfortunate that the officials of the state's highest civil service were denied their due in last 14 years. We will do everything possible to find a solution to the issue including approaching the Supreme Court," he assured. The chief minister also expressed serious concern over the growing trend of people taking law into their hands on trivial issues and the erosion of faith in the police and civil administration.
RPSP president, Yagyamitra Singh Dev, drew the attention of Gehlot towards various problems faced by the state administrative cadre. Lauding some constructive measures taken during his previous tenure, he said 58 vacancies for the RAS to IAS has been lying vacant for the last 14 years. He said this has created a situation of dearth of officers for appointment as collectors at the district level. He also demanded that like some other sates a few vacancies for collectors be appointed from the RAS cadre. He also demanded the strict compliance of assured career promotion (ACP) a action against the officers violation of the Judicial Protection Act.
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» Approach HC for RAS Promotion sceme : Ashok Gehlot
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