With Slumdog Millionaire creating history at the Oscars, President Pratibha Patil and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said the entire team of the film including musician AR Rahman have done India proud.
The Prime Minister "congratulates A R Rahman, Resul Pookutty (sound engineer), Gulzar (lyricist), and entire Slumdog Millionaire team for the success at the Oscars," a PMO spokesperson said. Singh said "they have done India proud".
Lok Sabha Speaker Somnath Chatterjee also congratulated the Slumdog team on bringing laurels to India by winning the Oscars.
The Prime Minister "congratulates A R Rahman, Resul Pookutty (sound engineer), Gulzar (lyricist), and entire Slumdog Millionaire team for the success at the Oscars," a PMO spokesperson said. Singh said "they have done India proud".
Lok Sabha Speaker Somnath Chatterjee also congratulated the Slumdog team on bringing laurels to India by winning the Oscars.
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