Apple has introduced new updated Mac Pro machine in India along with its revised desktop Mac line up. The new Mac Pro comes equipped with a quad-core Intel Nehalem chip along with an updated system architecture and graphics. Apple offers the new Mac Pro in two variants: quad-core Intel Xeon version and two quad-core Intel Xeon version. The new Mac Pro is the fastest Mac one ever with Intel's Nehalem microarchitecture-based quad-core 64-bit Xeon processor with 8MB shared L3 cache. Now one can add up to 32GB DDR3 memory modules for wider memory bandwidth.
Intel's Xeon chips pack in an integrated memory controller which allows using DDR3 memory. The basic Mac Pro version comes equipped with Quad-Core 2.66GHz Intel Xeon processor and 3GB DDR3 1066GHz RAM. While the other version comes with two Quad-Core 2.26GHz Intel Xeon processors with 8MB shared L3 Cache per processor and 6GB DDR3 1066GHz RAM. Apple allows adding up to four Nvidia GeForce GT 120 graphics card with GDDR3 video memory and offers an option of ATI Radeon HD 4870 graphics card with 512MB GDDR5 video memory. Also, Mac Pros can now support up to eight 30-inch displays with four Nvidia GeForce GT 120 graphics cards. Mac Pro come with a 640GB SATA HDD 7200RPM storage capacity that can be updated to 1TB SATA 7200RPM HDD. The Mac Pro also features 18x SuperDrive with double layer support and three PCI Express 2.0 expansion slots for 16-lane cards. The price of quad core Mac Pro starts from Rs. 1,42,700 while the 8-core Mac Pro version starts from Rs. 1,88,900. Apple said the new Mac Pro models will be available within six weeks from today through its authorised resellers.
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