Lok Sabha Candidates from Ajmer for 2009

BJP Declared 15 Candidates fro Lok sabha election in rajasthan but Ajmer Loksabha Seat is still waiting for a candidate. From last 20 Years from Rasasingh Rawat, BJP Candidate was the MP from ajmer. The reason behind rasasingh rawat's victory is 160000 Rawat Vote bank.
Now after "Parisiman" conditions are totally different as Bheem region and Rawat votes are no more in Ajmer Constituency. Now Dudu and Jaipur district votes are included into to Ajmer that make Jat becomes biggest vote bank as it was previously 110000 Votes after prisiman Dudu and nearby Jat belt is now in Ajmer them biggest vote bank for Ajmer.
Now BJP have to decide his candidate after Congress candidate is Sachin Paylet. Now BJP have to decide his candidate.
As per current scenario the main Contested for BJP are:
1. Sawarlal Jat(BJP)
2. Vasudev Devnani(BJP)

So Decision are pending and BJP have to decide his candidate who have grip on rural vote bank as sachin paylet have good grip on rural votes because his father is famous as a great farmer politician.

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1 comment:

  1. Sachin paylet is declared as congress candidate from Ajmer
