The Babri Masjid is a mosque in Ayodhya, in the state of Uttar Pradesh in northern India. It was built in the memory of the emperor Zahiruddin Muhammad Babur, a minor prince of Ferghana (in Afghanistan) who founded the Mughal empire in India, which ruled until it was finally replaced by the British Raj after the general mutiny of 1857 failed. In the best medieval traditions, the mosque was built on the foundations of a razed Hindu temple, which is believed to mark the spot of the birth of God Rama. A major Hindu figure, then, whose birthplace is (was, rather) graced by a Muslim mosque, as a part of mast destruction of temples and hindu worship places by Mugals to promote Islam in Hindustan.
There's the core of the controversy: who owns the spot where the Babri Masjid stood, the Hindus or the Muslims of India. So acrimonious is the debate that the mosque is no longer referred to as Babri. It's just the `disputed site'. Over the last decade or so, Indian politics has been dominated by this dispute, which was, strangely enough, unknown for centuries.
Politics and Babri Masjid:
Religion was a close ally of politics all over the world. In South Asia, this phenomenon manifested itself as a difference between Hindus, who believe themselves to be the native race of India, and Muslims, who settled here later. But at no point before the middle of this century did the Babri Masjid figure as an emotive icon representing these differences. In modern times politics and religion, the powers temporal and spiritual, are supposed to belong in different spheres, public and private.No one in Indian politics are clean whether that is BJP or Congress. It got a Congress party government to unlock the gates of the mosque and open it to worshipers, despite the fact that it was a disputed property. There followed an enormously successful mobilization among Hindus all over North India. Thousands of devotees marched to Ayodhya bearing bricks with the name of their god inscribed upon them. There, they laid the foundations of a new temple, and a new movement to raze the mosque. At the beginning of this decade the BJP leader Lal Krishna Advani, led a Rathayatra through north India. It began in Somnath, a great temple on the west coast which was once sacked by a Muslim invader, and was to end in Ayodhya, apparently after having asserted Hindu pride and wiped out the shame of centuries of Muslim rule. It worked until the `Rath' reached the border of Bihar, Advani found himself taken into custody for disturbing the peace. The movement was over.
No one want solution:
No one want to resolve the babri masjid issue as both party have existance based on babri masjid. Congress take this issue by saying "SORRY" about babri masjid to get Sympathy of Muslim voters. BJP have one song "WILL MAKE RAM MANDIR IF COMES IN POWER" and its supporters and affiliates regularly demand that a temple has to built on the site of the razed mosque. So why politician do anything because they do not have any religion they are one of the selfish Brid on earth. so it is upto Indian people that they should get some way out from there or Make a School or college there instead of making this place a statue of Thousands people's death.
One more elections comes near now Digvijay singh from Congress says "SOORY" to Muslims and BJP may say something so better instead of listening these people use your own Mind.
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