Bollywood actors Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Akshay Kumar were among the 62 personalities who received the Padma awards. Famous playback singer of yesteryear Shamshad Begum and director of the Central Board of Reserve Bank of India Ashok Shekhar Ganguly are among prominent persons to get the award from President Pratibha Patil today at a special function in the Ashoka Hall of Rashtapati Bhavan.
Pratibha Patil conferred Padma Vibhushan, the country's second highest civilian award, to Kakodakar for his contributions in the field of nuclear science and technology during the function attended by Vice President Hamid Ansari, Prime Minister Manmoahn Singh and a host of other dignitaries. Kakodakar was actively involved in the Indo-US civilian nuclear cooperation agreement.
Ashok Shekhar Ganguly, a director of the Central Board of Reserve Bank of India, was also awarded with Padma Vibhushan on the occasion. Ganguly is also a member Prime Minister's council on trade and industry and a member of National knowledge Commission.
Ashok Shekhar Ganguly, a director of the Central Board of Reserve Bank of India, was also awarded with Padma Vibhushan on the occasion. Ganguly is also a member Prime Minister's council on trade and industry and a member of National knowledge Commission.
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