Wrestler and actor Dara Singh, 84, died today in Mumbai at him home. He was admitted to Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital last Saturday and took last breath today morning at 7:30 PM as per his son Bindu Dara singh. Dara Singh, had been battling for his life in a Mumbai hospital since the last four days, but was on Wednesday shifted back home after doctors said he has "less chance of recovery" due to significant damage to his brain. The 84-year-actor was admitted to Kokilaben Hospital in an emergency condition on July 7. His family doctor R.K. Agarwal also confirmed the death of bindu dara singh.
A wrestling champ, he made his way from local tournaments to the international arena competing with some of the biggest names like Oriental Champion King Kong, George Gordienko. The wrestler who had over 500 fights to his credit was the Commonwealth champion in 1959 and Champion of the World in 1968. He retired from wrestling in 1983. He made his entry into films in early 1960s and was cast opposite actress Mumtaz in several movies. Often regarded as the Action King of Bollywood in the Hollywood inspired Hindi films such as Tarzan and King Kong amongst many others. But his most memorable performance remains as Hanuman on the popular 1980's television series Ramayan. The actor who also directed several punjabi films continued to act in films and was last seen in the hit movie, Jab We Met in 2007.
A wrestling champ, he made his way from local tournaments to the international arena competing with some of the biggest names like Oriental Champion King Kong, George Gordienko. The wrestler who had over 500 fights to his credit was the Commonwealth champion in 1959 and Champion of the World in 1968. He retired from wrestling in 1983. He made his entry into films in early 1960s and was cast opposite actress Mumtaz in several movies. Often regarded as the Action King of Bollywood in the Hollywood inspired Hindi films such as Tarzan and King Kong amongst many others. But his most memorable performance remains as Hanuman on the popular 1980's television series Ramayan. The actor who also directed several punjabi films continued to act in films and was last seen in the hit movie, Jab We Met in 2007.
Loss to Nation.. A Humble a great man no more between us....A Salute to his life
ReplyDeleteReal Hero...No Doubt.