After joining all 6 BSP MLA Congress party. Now BSP is in more trouble in rajasthan. BSP candidate from Alwar parliamentary constituency, Abdul Guffar Khan, has lodged an FIR against BSP state general secretary Dharmveer Ashok, alleging that the latter had demanded Rs 1.11 crore, a Pajero car and a Rado wrist watch from him for providing party ticket.
"He says that Ashok took money from him in the last three months in installments. He also provided a Pajero car and a Rado wristwatch to him. Abdul also says that he has been left with no money as he had to meet his demands. He also alleged that Dharmveer Ashok is still demanding money from him," said investigation officer of the case. Police registerd case under Section 420 (fraud) and 406 (breach of trust) of IPC and started investigation.
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