BJP declare Ghanshyam Tiwari as its candidate from the Jaipur seat. Congress has already nominated former MLA Mahesh Joshi as its candidate. so both candidates are now brahmins. BJP announced candidates for five more seats, including Kiran Maheshwari against Congress’s Sachin Pilot from Ajmer, Khemchand Koli (Bharatpur-SC), Subhash Maharia (Sikar) and Mahavir Bhagora (Udaipur) are the other party candidates.
The party had to re-announce its candidate from Jaipur as sitting MP Girdharilal Bhargava, who was on the BJP’s first list, passed away recently. Till now both parties declared 18 - 18 candidates and remaining 7 to be declared soon. The candidature of Ghanshyam Tiwari from Jaipur is seen as an outcome of the pressure mounted by the RSS functionaries as former chief minister Vasundhara Raje was reportedly keen on picking former BJP state president Mahesh Chand Sharma. The party high command, however, fielded Tiwari, who comes from an RSS background. At present an MLA from Sanganer assembly seat, Tiwari was food and civil supplies minister in the Raje government.
The party had to re-announce its candidate from Jaipur as sitting MP Girdharilal Bhargava, who was on the BJP’s first list, passed away recently. Till now both parties declared 18 - 18 candidates and remaining 7 to be declared soon. The candidature of Ghanshyam Tiwari from Jaipur is seen as an outcome of the pressure mounted by the RSS functionaries as former chief minister Vasundhara Raje was reportedly keen on picking former BJP state president Mahesh Chand Sharma. The party high command, however, fielded Tiwari, who comes from an RSS background. At present an MLA from Sanganer assembly seat, Tiwari was food and civil supplies minister in the Raje government.
wht r u doing in five years in jaipur city ?
ReplyDeleteaap ne M L A OR MINISTER hone k baad b public k liye kya kiya, or plz aap mujah btaiye m aap ko vote kyu do? plz teel me.
This is true.. this time congress