After the recent failure in conduction Board Exam Successfully and paper leaks, RBSC Chairman Bharat Ram Kumahar resigned from his post. Three papers of the ongoing Rajasthan higher secondary board exams were leaked, after which the exams had to be cancelled or postponed. The government has appointed divisional commissioner of Ajmer as the administrator. He will be responsible for functioning of the board and commencement of the remaining examinations. The board has one examination scheduled on Saturday, while date for Sanskrit examination paper has been declared to be held on April 12. The dates of the other two leaked papers are yet to be announced.
He said "The government wanted to remove me from the post, but it is a constitutional post and they didn't have the authority, therefore they used this method," said Kumahar, talking to media in Ajmer on Friday. Kumahar said that although he was resigning on moral grounds, but he should not be held solely responsible for the entire incident. He said "CM and education minister knew that the racket was working behind the paper leak but they remained quiet." In his resignation letter to the state governor, SK Singh, Kumahar said said, "It anguishes me that because of non-corporation of state government and administration some papers went out before the exam. The students had to pay for this. Therefore, because of state government and administration's non-support, I am quitting from my post. Please accept my resignation."
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