After Chidambaram and LK Advani now a man made an attempt to throw a shoe at Prime Minister Manmohan Singh at a rally in Ahmedabad on Sunday. The shoe landed a few metres away from the PM's dais. He was addressing an election rally in the city. The youth who attempted to throw shoe at PM was taken away by police. PM has asked police not to file a case against the 28-year-old shoe-thrower.
In the recent past, there have been similar incidents. In one of such attacks, a shoe was hurled at Home Minister P Chidamabaram at a press conference by a journalist. At a rally in Kurukshtra, Congress leader Naveen Jindal was the target of a shoe thrown by a schoolteacher. The shoe missed him. Chief Minister Narendra Modi, known for his innovative ideas, recently at a rally, came up with a unique technique to avoid such attacks. He tied up a volley ball net infront of his dais to prevent any hurled shoe from reaching him.
Now this is looking a new danger for all political parties.
Now this is looking a new danger for all political parties.
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