West Bengal Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee today said a factory to be built on the land in Singur that Tata Motors had abandoned would "generate more employment" than the Nano project. "As you all know, Chinese automobile company FAW (First Automobile Works) has seen the plot. They met me also. They are ready to come to the state at any point of time," Bhattacharjee said in an interview to a regional news channel. "We are keen to use that plot of land for industrial purposes. We have plans to make such a factory over there that will generate more employment than the Tata Nano project," he said.
Global auto major Tata Motors planned to roll out the Nano, the world's cheapest car, from its factory at Singur, 40 km from here in Hooghly district. But from May 2006, when the state government announced the Tata Nano project, Singur turned into a battleground for about two-and-a-half years. The opposition Trinamool Congress led a sustained campaign against land acquisition in Singur, forcing Tata Motors to scrap its plans to bring out the peoples' car, priced at Rs.100,000, from Singur. Tata Motors shifted the project to Sanand in Gujarat as the automobile group was against relocating any of the ancillaries in the integrated project. The chief minister said that the government was now waiting for Tata Motors to return the land in Singur, which they had taken on lease from West Bengal Industrial Development Corporation (WBIDC).
Global auto major Tata Motors planned to roll out the Nano, the world's cheapest car, from its factory at Singur, 40 km from here in Hooghly district. But from May 2006, when the state government announced the Tata Nano project, Singur turned into a battleground for about two-and-a-half years. The opposition Trinamool Congress led a sustained campaign against land acquisition in Singur, forcing Tata Motors to scrap its plans to bring out the peoples' car, priced at Rs.100,000, from Singur. Tata Motors shifted the project to Sanand in Gujarat as the automobile group was against relocating any of the ancillaries in the integrated project. The chief minister said that the government was now waiting for Tata Motors to return the land in Singur, which they had taken on lease from West Bengal Industrial Development Corporation (WBIDC).
Left was against FDI, but they themselves are encouraging foreign companies and creating problems for Indian companies.
ReplyDeleteNo doubt that after few years they will counter attack CG for not signing any deal (nuclear) with America.
Thats why they are called left...instead of right... PAGAL LOG