This is Exam and Admission season, Yesterday RBSE Declred 12th commerce result and tommorow CBSE 12th exams also declared that will start the admission season in state. Rajasthan University is all set to announce the admission schedule for UG and PG programmes admission schedule for 2009-10. Rajasthan Universitey will start admission process from first week of June. As state Engineering colleges count is crossing 80s it is looking like Science cut-off will comes down while Humanities and commrece cutoff may rise upto 2-3% as Commrce result is also above 94%, and hope arts result will also comes positive for students and increase cut-off marks. So gear up and get ready to get a good campus.
Universities and Admission Date1. Rajasthan University June First Week
2. Jodhpur University June First Week
3. MLS University June
4. MDS Ajmer June
Top Colleges and 2008 Cut-off Marks1. Maharaja College - 65%
2. Maharani College (Science) - 83%
Maharani College (Commerce) - 89%
Maharani College (Arts) - 65%
3. Rajasthan College - 70%
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