Bollywood star Katrina Kaif and Shilpa Shetty is all set to perform at IPL-2 final ceremony. Katrina who is the Brand Ambassador of IPL team Royal Challengers Bangalore is set to fire the stage at Wanderers. Oscar winning Rahman’s song Jai Ho too would be a part of the show. “To be able to perform in front of millions of people is going to be a different high. It’ll be like walking the dream,” said Katrina Kaif. When the star was asked about her IPL experience, she said “The whole experience is priceless. That is the time when we smile together and cry together.”
Rajasthan Royals, not being able retain their championship status, Shilpa Shetty revealed her true sportsman spirit as she joins American Rand B sensation Akon singing Smack That at the closing ceremony of IPL at the Wanderer in Johannesburg Sunday night. “Shilpa and Katrina are the only two actresses performing at the show thus ending the speculation that a host of Bollywood beauties would be making their presence felt at the show,” said a source. The source added, “Besides Shilpa’s and Katrina’s performances the show will also feature percussionist Shivamani and a group of Indian and South African drummers.” The huge crowd will also be introduced to the Miss Bollywood IPL South Africa finalists, culminating with the crowning of the winner of the beauty competition, who will get a guided tour through Bollywood as one of her prizes. Singer Akon also perform today.
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