He said instead of having one seven-and-a-half-minute interruption after the 10 over, it would be two two-and-a-half minute breaks in an innings, the second of which would be decided by the fielding side. "The first two-and-a-half-minute break will be just after the power play (6 overs) and the second to be taken by the fielding side at any time," Modi said. The IPL Commissioner said strategy breaks were a part of every sport and there is nothing new about it. "It happens in every sport, there is a strategy break and everything. But 7.5 minutes may look like a bit longer, so we are seeing how we can reduce it down to five minutes," Modi told a news channel.
SB is worst thing in IPL, This time IPL is obviously not such a good as previous and ,,,above all this Strategy break.... shame on modi.