First Cut-off for Rajasthan University admission released on Tuesday which set new bench mark for students. Admission cut-off are much higher this year for top colleges of Rajashan University. Benchmark moves from first division to above distinction marks as result of RBSE and CBSE was much better this year.
In Maharani’s College, a degree course in BCom has touched 90% in the first merit list declared. This rise in cut-off marks due to exceptionally good results in Class XII, especially in Commerce and Science. Over 3,500 students have applied for a total 180 seats in BCom. The students who failed to secure a seat in Commerce are turning towards courses like Bachelors degree in Computer Application and Business Administration. However in Science, there has been a marginal rise in the first cut-off list as compared with the last year as maximum science student opt to go for engineering as state now have more than 80 Engineering colleges.
Any idea about second list