Ramesh Pokhriyal has been chosen for the Chief Minister's post in Uttarakhand. After actively participating in the Ram Temple movement during the early '90s, which catapulted BJP to power in Uttar Pradesh, 51-year-old Pokhriyal became a Hill Development Minister in state before its bifurcation. He made his debut in the Uttar Pradesh assembly in 1991 when he won from Karanprayag seat and retained it in 1993 and 1996. When Uttarakhand was carved out of Uttar Pradesh in November 2000, he raised a banner of revolt against the first Chief Minister of the hill state Nitya Nand Swami by boycotting the swearing-in ceremony. After being persuaded by the high command, Pokhriyal took oath and became the first Finance Minister of Uttarakhand in the interim government. He lost the assembly election in 2002 from Thalisein assembly seat but was elected again to the state assembly in 2007 and became a minister in the B C Khanduri government.
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