A controversy has arisen over the control of the Rajasthan Cricket Association, with a group backed by Lalit Modi claiming on Sunday to have removed the incumbent, Sanjay Dixit, through a no-confidence motion. Dixit - who defeated Modi in the election - called the move unconstitutional and said he was still in charge. Dixit had suspended two members of the RCA, Jaipur District Cricket Association (JDCA) president Bimal Soni and Cricket Players' Association of Rajasthan secretary Shamsher Singh, on Saturday and, prompted by the constant tussle between the two factions, called off the annual general meeting scheduled for Sunday.
The rival faction, however, went on with the AGM, and during it moved a no-confidence motion against Dixit that was passed by a 20-member house. Modi had in March lost the election to the post of RCA president - which he had held since 2005 - to Dixit, a bureaucrat. He has been at the centre of controversy ever since the Rajasthan government changed hands in a recent election. Modi had close ties with the previous administration and was facing charges of forgery and fraud.
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