India's Ramesh Kumar created history by clinching India's first medal when he won the bronze in the freestyle 74 kg category, in the prestigious World Wrestling Championship after a gap of 32 years. The Uttar Pradesh wrestler did what Beijing Olympic bronze medallist Sushil Kumar failed to achieve, clinching India's first medal in the prestigious event after a gap of 32 years. Kumar defeated Alexandr Burca of Moldova on technical points after the repechage round ended with both the wrestlers tied at the score of 7-7 on Wednesday night at Herning, Denmark. Kumar, however, started the bout on a disappointing note, trailing 0-3 after the first period. He then came back strongly in the second session to score two points and then finished off the final period picking up five points as against his opponent's four to finally come out victorious on technical points.
Kumar had earlier defeated Dustin Schlatter of the US 3-2 in the opening round. His next casualty was Great Britain's Michael Grundy, whom he beat 4-2 and then prevailed over Kiril Terziev of Bulgaria 7-4 in the quarterfinal. Kumar, however, lost out on the gold medal opportunity, going down 0-5 to Chamsulvara Chamsulvarayev of Azerbaijan in the last-four stage to set up a repechage encounter against Burca. The gold in this category was won by Denis Tsargush of Russia.
Kumar had earlier defeated Dustin Schlatter of the US 3-2 in the opening round. His next casualty was Great Britain's Michael Grundy, whom he beat 4-2 and then prevailed over Kiril Terziev of Bulgaria 7-4 in the quarterfinal. Kumar, however, lost out on the gold medal opportunity, going down 0-5 to Chamsulvara Chamsulvarayev of Azerbaijan in the last-four stage to set up a repechage encounter against Burca. The gold in this category was won by Denis Tsargush of Russia.
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