19th World Book Fair began at the Pragati Maidan in New Delhi on Saturday, around 1200 Indian and foreign publishers and exhibitors are participating in the fair. Inaugurating the week long fair being orgainised by the National Book Trust of India, Union Minister of Human Resource Development Kapil Sibal said, this is the biggest book fair in the Afro-Asian region which attracts publishers and visitors from across the globe. He said that in future, India will be the market of publication not only in its own language but also in English language.
The Minister said, standards in publication should not be too rigorous and a movement for better books is key for the growth of our education system. He said that books are the form of communication like speaking, reading and absorbing ideas. Sibal stressed the need to make the children more communicative to increase their knowledge of depth by encouraging reading books on various subjects. Around 1200 Indian and foreign publishers and exhibitors are participating in the fair showcasing books on various subjects. Nearly 700 titles published by around 75 publishers across the country on different genres of sports are also being exhibited at the pavilion. The fair will be open for the public from 11.00 am to 8.00 pm. To make the fair more environment friendly, use of Plastic bags has been banned.
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