Salman Khan-starrer Veer is in controversy in Jaipur and Bikaner where karni sena damage multiplex and stop screening at one multiplex, leading to a lathi charge on intruders. Karni Sena protest alleging that a few scenes in the movie were hurting the sentiments of the Rajput community. They smashed window panes and flowerpots at both the places while shouting slogans against Salman. The police resorted to lathicharge to disperse the crowd and arrested 22 demonstrators. Police said over 200 people gathered at INOX multiplex in Vaishali Nagar and another 150 at Triton Mall in Jhotwara and started shouting slogans. At both the places, the police had to resort to mild lathicharge as the crowd damaged property. They broke glass doors and smashed some flowerpots on the ground. Twentytwo demonstrators were arrested under Section 151 of the IPC. They were later remanded to judicial custody.
The Karni Sena has raised objections on three scenes in the movie which they feel show the community in a bad light: The Rajtilak of a Rajput princess despite her father being alive; Salman’s dialogue where he claims Rajputs as traitors and a Rajput prince backing out of a challenge. Earlier, movies with Rajput subjects like Jodhaa Akbar, Gulaal and Zubeida ahd also faced wrath of Rajput protestors.
The Karni Sena has raised objections on three scenes in the movie which they feel show the community in a bad light: The Rajtilak of a Rajput princess despite her father being alive; Salman’s dialogue where he claims Rajputs as traitors and a Rajput prince backing out of a challenge. Earlier, movies with Rajput subjects like Jodhaa Akbar, Gulaal and Zubeida ahd also faced wrath of Rajput protestors.
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