The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) on Sunday, Jan 31, slammed the Shiv Sena over Marathi language issue in Maharashtra. Mohan Bhagwat, RSS chief has issued a directive to Sangh workers to protect North Indians in the state in the wake of the Shiv Sena's Marathi Andolan. Recently, Shiv Sena had told to the Government to give taxi permits to only those who know how to speak, read and write Marathi. Raj Thackeray had said, "They don't know the language, they don't know the city. Maharashtra is not a Dharamshala for people from UP and Bihar. If they are plying 4,500 taxi's they have also set 4,500 homes in Mumbai." Meanwhile today Yog guru Baba ramdev also slam tharkare brothers party MSN and shivsena at Lucknow for dividing nation. He said "Mumbai sabki hai, Yahan kisi ki dadagiri nahi chalegi"
RSS Chief Mohan Bhagwat urge RSS people to work against people who want to divide nation based on language and region. He said Mumbai is not only for marathi's, it is for all Indian people. He said india belongs to indian and if they think employment apportionment is getting reduced then find the region behind it instead of doing cheap politics over language.
I want to add one Quotes over this issue.
"Divide and Rule was policy adopted by the British, we threw them out.
The Legacy is being carried forward by our Politicians and we are supporting them.
Lets color , language and caste not divide us, Take pride in calling yourself INDIAN"
I want to add one Quotes over this issue.
"Divide and Rule was policy adopted by the British, we threw them out.
The Legacy is being carried forward by our Politicians and we are supporting them.
Lets color , language and caste not divide us, Take pride in calling yourself INDIAN"
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