Recent Bollywood flick ‘Veer’ directed by Anil Sharma after two consecutive hits like ‘Gadar Ek prem katha’ and ‘Apane’ is Epic movie written by Salman Khan. Veer is an epic film set in 1825 when the British were ruling in India. Movie is about bravery of Pindari Community of Rajasthan, who fight for land against Rajput rulers and British Empire. Movie is not too good but you can watch as rajasthan’s desert, Fort is pictured very well by Anil Sharma.
In Indian History ‘Pindaris’ they were tribes lives in Rajasthan, Western UP and Maharashtra who were invaluable as agents for supplying all the commissariat required by their armies. They were composed of Pathans and Jats etc congregated together solely for purposes of plunder. Predominantly comprising of Hindu, Sikh and Muslim rebels, they came into existence during the 18th century when the Mughal Empire was breaking up. The Pindaris were loosely organized under self-chosen leaders. As per rajasthan history and director it is all about fiction as there was no pindari community in rajasthan even it looks most like 18th centuries tribe worries of Jat, Gurjar and other worrier community of Rajasthan.
If someone have info please share and let us know RAJASTHAN HISTORY !
If someone have info please share and let us know RAJASTHAN HISTORY !
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