Sunil Mittal-promoted Bharti Retail entered Rajasthan by launching the state’s first compact-hyper store ‘easyday Market’ in Jaipur. The company currently has 63 stores in cities across Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and New Delhi. These stores are of two formats Supermarkets, which are known as "easyday", and Compact Hyper, which are known as "easyday Market". “Our strategy is to consolidate presence in one market, before expanding to another geographic region. We plan to have 125 easyday and 13 easyday Market stores by the end of 2010. The focus of roll out would be North India but we have plans to expand operations into other parts of India,” says a Bharti Retail official in response to an email query.
The company has lined up an investment of $2 billion to $2.5 billion by 2015 to fuel its expansion plans. “Retail is viewed as the next big business by Bharti and continues to receive investment and strategic attention. We are looking at approximately 10 million square feet of retail experience across all cities in India, with a population of over one million,” the official said.
The company has lined up an investment of $2 billion to $2.5 billion by 2015 to fuel its expansion plans. “Retail is viewed as the next big business by Bharti and continues to receive investment and strategic attention. We are looking at approximately 10 million square feet of retail experience across all cities in India, with a population of over one million,” the official said.
ReplyDeleteThe Management,
Bharti Easy Day Store (Wal-mart)
Respected Sir,
This is Jitesh Kumar Jain from Gudivada, Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh..
I own a vacant land of 1250 sq. yards (approx) i.e. more than 11000 sq. ft. in the midest of the town (a densely populated area)
The proposed land has 2 roads on its sides.. that well suits the requirement for Your Easy Day retail outlet as its a best exposure 2 every 1 in the town..
& We are very much interested in giving the land on lease 2 ur company..
If you have any plan for opening new Retail Outlet in Gudivada Town & you are looking for a site in this area then contact me at 09440508086 or mail me at
In case our proposal is of any interest to you please let us know the terms & conditions under which it is feasible..
We are very keen to join hands with Bharthi Group..
Looking forward to have an early reply, which will be to our mutual interest.
An early action is requested please..
Thanking You,
Yours" faithfully,
for J. K. Jivavat,
(Jitesh Kumar Jain)
Jitesh Kumar Jain, 4/312, Tilak Road, Gudivada.. Krishna Dt, Andhra Pradesh
Contact no.- 09440508086
E mail:-