Sachin Tendulkar on Wednesday created history by becoming the first cricketer to score a double century in one-day internationals as India beat South Africa by 153 runs to win the three-match series with a match to spare. After setting 402-run target, India dismissed South Africa for 248 to clinch the match by massive 153 runs and win the three match series in the second ODI at Gwalior. Sachin Tendulkar's 200, highest individual score by any batsman in an ODI, was the highlight of the match. It was not only Tendulkar's 46th ODI century but it also marked the highest score in one-dayers, eclipsing the previous record of 194 which was was held by Pakistan's Saeed Anwar and Zimbabwe's Charles Conventry.
The little master was on fire and the South African bowlers bore the brunt as they were literally made to bleed runs at the short ground. His sublime unbeaten 200 came off just 147 balls and was bejewelled with 25 fours and three sixes. Along with the classic Mumbai batsman, Charl Langvedt went into the history books as Tendulkar achieved the amazing milestone off his bowling.
The little master was on fire and the South African bowlers bore the brunt as they were literally made to bleed runs at the short ground. His sublime unbeaten 200 came off just 147 balls and was bejewelled with 25 fours and three sixes. Along with the classic Mumbai batsman, Charl Langvedt went into the history books as Tendulkar achieved the amazing milestone off his bowling.
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