Yoga guru Baba Ramdev announced his entry into politics by naming his party, the Bharat Swabhiman, but insisted he won’t contest elections. “I will join politics to cleanse the system,” Ramdev said. Ramdev, whose real name is Ramkishan Yadav, said his party would field candidates in all the 543 Lok Sabha seats in a bid to build a corruption-free India. It was expected that Yoga guru Baba Ramdev is planning to launch his own party though he says he won't fight elections. Baba Ramdev said he wants to 'cleanse' the system. The yoga guru would field candidates in all Lok Sabha constituencies. Ramdev, who was in Ghaziabad on March 15th to participate in a school function, targeted the UPA government for not keeping the prices of essential commodities in check and alleged: "The intention of the government is very much doubtful towards poors and farmers". “One of the main objectives of the movement is to end corruption and to bring back more than Rs300 lakh crore of black money from abroad for the country’s development,” he said. Baba Ramdev said the recent arrests of self-claimed spiritual gurus on criminal charges were “a very big conspiracy” even if some of them were indeed guilty.
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