Rajasthan CM Ashok Gehlot on Wednesday once again managed to buy time in the Gujjar quota issue by assuring a delegation of the community headed by Kirori Singh Bainsla that it would abide by the recommendations of the OBC commission regarding their quota, but needed four months’ time to implement it. Ashok Gelhlot assured the community of resolving the issue within four months. Many leaders who accompanied Bhainsla to Jaipur on wednesday to meet the chief minister over this issue, lashed out against Bhainsla for his leniency towards the government and his decision to give four more months for fulfilling promises. Not only these leaders left their Jaipur visit in middle, but also accused Bhainsla of preparing his political ground in the shadow of providing reservation to the community. "Both chief minister and Bhainsla are politicising the reservation issue for their personal gains. There was no point in giving another four months to state government. They are trying delay the issue for their personal gains," said Himmat Singh, spokesperson of Gurjar Arakashan Samiti. "It’s a conspiracy by government. After four month, Gurjars will be busy sowing their crops and agitation will lose its momentum. With each passing day we are losing chances in government jobs and educational institute," said Singh. Even if we have to create a separate group we will go for it, but will not wait for next four months, he added. Singh alleged when the OBC commission will submit the report to government then why they have agreed on a four-month time frame. "Both leaders are politicising this issue for their political gains. Reservation is bigger than Bainsla and we wouldn't let him cheat the community," said Singh.
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