BSNL launched Fibre to the Home (FTTH) based triple play services in Pink City jaipur after Hyderabad. The services will also support enterprise applications and features such as LAN, VoIP and video conferencing. The network for the FTTH has been built on the Gigabyte Passive Optical Technology (GPON) concept. BSNL changed the world of browsing the World Wide Web in pink city which will change experience for the city. Union minister of state for telecommunications Sachin Pilot will inaugurate the Fiber-To-Home (FTH) broadband service in the capital on Saturday. This new service will make working online much faster. Experts say the FTH is the only technology with enough bandwidth to handle reliably cost effectively the projected consumer demands during the next decade. While some private players having tested the technology in some suburb housing societies in New Delhi, it has not yet been put to mass use. Telecommunication officers say that this will be the first official inauguration of the service in the country.
FTH broadband connections can deliver a multitude of digital information; telephone, video, data, more efficiently than the traditional medium of copper cables for about the same price. This high bandwidth connection improvises the quality of Internet Protocol TV systems and has been globally accepted by both domestic and small business users. Sachin Pilot, along with BSNL CMD, Kuldeep Goyal, will unveil the facility at the BSNL office in the city.
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