Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot on Friday assured the State Assembly that his government would extend all support to the tiger recovery plan for the Sariska Tiger Reserve even as the Opposition demanded a CBI probe into the death of two young tigers outside the Ranthambhor National Park this past weekend. More tigers would be shifted soon to Sariska from Ranthambhor, Mr. Gehlot informed. The tigers issue came up for the second time in the Assembly in the past four days as BJP member Gajendra Singh Kheevsar, who had put up a question on the number of tigers in Sariska, blamed the State Government for not taking steps to complete the first phase of the recovery plan by re-locating more tigers from Ranthambhor.
Environment and Forests Minister Ramlal Jat, who answered the basic question, said three tigers – two females and a male -- had been shifted so far from Ranthmabhor to Sariksa under the recovery plan and two more would be airlifted soon. The revised proposal from NTCA was to catch the tigers which were moving outside Ranthambhor Park. “We are closely monitoring their movements. Once we manage to catch them we will shift one male tiger and a female tiger to Sariska,” he said.
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