The Rajasthan Assembly witnessed chaotic scenes yesterday, as the BJP MLAs were evicted from the Rajasthan Assembly and four of them were admitted to hospital following a scuffle with the Marshals. The drama began on Wednesday, as BJP Chief Whip Rajendra Rathore and MLA Hanuman Beniwal were suspended from the house for unruly behaviour. While Rathore was suspended for a year, Beniwal was suspended for the rest of the session. They were suspended for arguing with state Home Minister Shanti Dhariwal. When the suspended MLAs refused to leave the house on Friday, they were evicted by the Marshals. During the scuffle, senior BJP leaders Gulabchand Kataria, Vasudev Devnani, Shankar Singh and Bahadur Singh suffered minor injuries or uneasiness and were admitted to SMS Hospital.
The BJP MLAs are staging a sit-in dharna at the Assembly Hall, demanding the revocation of suspension of their MLAs and action against Home Minister Shanti Dhariwal. Deputy Leader of Opposition Ghanshyam Tiwari has begun an indefinite hunger strike. The BJP has threatened to launch a state-wide campaign and a jail-bharo andolan at all district headquarters of Rajasthan on Monday, if no action is taken against Dhariwal.
The BJP MLAs are staging a sit-in dharna at the Assembly Hall, demanding the revocation of suspension of their MLAs and action against Home Minister Shanti Dhariwal. Deputy Leader of Opposition Ghanshyam Tiwari has begun an indefinite hunger strike. The BJP has threatened to launch a state-wide campaign and a jail-bharo andolan at all district headquarters of Rajasthan on Monday, if no action is taken against Dhariwal.
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