IPL chairman and commissioner Lalit Modi has criticized state officials in Jaipur for harassing Rajasthan Royals' team management. On Twitter Modi says, "Top officials of RR were detained by authorities for most of the day yesterday. Why? Tickets -- they are quite shaken up. Very sad." Not surprisingly the IPL team has threatened to move out of Jaipur. The IPL franchise seems to have been caught in the cross fire between Modi and his not good relationship with the Rajasthan state government. "My team and RR officials harassed by state officials. Is this the way to hold matches in a state? That is why I have boycotted Jaipur matches," says Modi. He says that Jaipur as a venue will be reviewed once the current season gets over. He has also told Shane Warne that he should inform the press of what the team is going through and what the ground reality is. "Intimidation and threats have hampered us."
The state government had earlier ordered a ban on liquor and ‘no obscenity’ by cheergirls. Then the Rajasthan State Sports Council forced the franchise to shift their office from the Sawai Man Singh stadium to Rajasthan Cricket Association’s (RCA) academy. Modi, meanwhile, wants feedback from fans of the Rajasthan Royals regarding their experiences of going to the ground this time around. "Please email me on chairman@iplt20.com if you have been forced to buy tickets in the black market. And at what price."
Modi looks more like taking revenge from Rajasthan Cricket Association after loosing RCA President election here in Jaipur. Each time he blame management, facilities and other stuffs in Jaipur, which is known as one of best stadium of India. So i think we need to send him feedback so that he will know what Rajasthan Royals fan or Rajasthan people want from BCCI.. .Politics or Cricket.
Modi looks more like taking revenge from Rajasthan Cricket Association after loosing RCA President election here in Jaipur. Each time he blame management, facilities and other stuffs in Jaipur, which is known as one of best stadium of India. So i think we need to send him feedback so that he will know what Rajasthan Royals fan or Rajasthan people want from BCCI.. .Politics or Cricket.
Modi Pagala jata hai jab bhi rajasthan aata hai.. after loosing RCA Election from Sanjay Dixit