Rajasthan government tonight invited for talks Gujjar leader Kirori Singh Bainsla, who is demanding a five per cent quota in state jobs for his community. A CMO spokesman said Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot has invited the Gujjar leader for talks to resolve the issue and the message has been communicated to Bainsla, who is leading a march on the issue, through the District Collector of Karauli Neeraj K Pawan.
Energy Minister Jitender Singh who is the government intermediary in the matter also appealed to the marchers to maintain peace and harmony in the state. Earlier, amid tight security, hundreds of Gujjars led by Bainsla began their march from Gudla village, 400 km from here, demanding five per cent quota in state jobs for the community.
Energy Minister Jitender Singh who is the government intermediary in the matter also appealed to the marchers to maintain peace and harmony in the state. Earlier, amid tight security, hundreds of Gujjars led by Bainsla began their march from Gudla village, 400 km from here, demanding five per cent quota in state jobs for the community.
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