Police on Monday seized the passport of Pakistani cricketer Shoaib Malik as they questioned him in the wake of a complaint of cheating lodged by the father of a local girl Ayesha Siddiqui claiming that she was married to him. But 28-year-old Shoaib told a police team this morning at the Jubilee Hills residence of 23-year-old tennis star Sania Mirza that he had been tricked into marriage with Ayesha. "The city police have questioned Shoaib Malik for one-and-a-half hours and they have also seized his passport. Immigration authorities have been informed about the case filed against Malik and his passport seizure," Additional Commissioner of Police (Coordination) Dwarka Tirumala Rao said.
Rao said, "As part of the investigation, a police team visited Sania's residence today. We are probing the matter." In fresh trouble for the Pakistani cricketer, the team reached this morning the posh Jubilee Hill residence of Sania where Shoaib has been staying since his arrival here on Saturday following a complaint lodged by the father of Ayesha, Mohammed Siddiqui yesterday at the Banjara Hill police station.
Rao said, "As part of the investigation, a police team visited Sania's residence today. We are probing the matter." In fresh trouble for the Pakistani cricketer, the team reached this morning the posh Jubilee Hill residence of Sania where Shoaib has been staying since his arrival here on Saturday following a complaint lodged by the father of Ayesha, Mohammed Siddiqui yesterday at the Banjara Hill police station.
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