President Pratibha Patil on Sunday night accepted the resignation of Minister of State for External Affairs Shashi Tharoor from the Council of Ministers on the recommendation of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. According to Rashtrapati Bhavan spokesperson, "The President on the recommendation of the Prime Minister has accepted the resignation of Shashi Tharoor, MoS in MEA from the council of ministers with immediate effect." The resignation of Tharoor was sent to the President in Pune where she is on an official visit.
Tharoor resigned as Minister of State for External Affairs in the wake of a raging controversy over IPL Kochi team, ending a week-long political drama. Tharoor becomes the first minister in UPA-II to go out under the cloud corruption in the wake of allegations that he misused office to get Rs.70 crore worth sweat equity for his friend Sunanda Pushkar from IPL Kochi team owners. Earlier, Tharoor met Prime Minister Manmohan Singh for the second time late Sunday night soon after after Singh held a meeting of the Congress Core group including Sonia Gandhi.The meeting discussed continuance of the minister in the wake of the IPL controversy. First Sonia Gandhi met Singh one-on-one before the Core Group discussions. Tharoor, whose removal was demanded by the Opposition on grounds of corruption, had met Singh at noon to give his side of the story.
Tharoor resigned as Minister of State for External Affairs in the wake of a raging controversy over IPL Kochi team, ending a week-long political drama. Tharoor becomes the first minister in UPA-II to go out under the cloud corruption in the wake of allegations that he misused office to get Rs.70 crore worth sweat equity for his friend Sunanda Pushkar from IPL Kochi team owners. Earlier, Tharoor met Prime Minister Manmohan Singh for the second time late Sunday night soon after after Singh held a meeting of the Congress Core group including Sonia Gandhi.The meeting discussed continuance of the minister in the wake of the IPL controversy. First Sonia Gandhi met Singh one-on-one before the Core Group discussions. Tharoor, whose removal was demanded by the Opposition on grounds of corruption, had met Singh at noon to give his side of the story.
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