Nitish Kumar was on Friday sworn in as the 32nd chief minister of Bihar by governor Devanand Konwar. BJP's Sushil Kumar Modi was sworn in as cabinet minister. He will be the deputy chief minister. The alliance between Nitish's JD(U) and the BJP won a massive victory earlier this week to return to power. BJP leaders Nitin Gadkari, Sushma Swaraj, and actor-politician Shatrughan Sinha were among those who attended the ceremony. On Thursday Nitish Kumar was invited to form the government by Governor Devanand Konwar.
"The governor has invited me to form the government tomorrow at 2.30 pm at the Gandhi maidan," Kumar told reporters after his 50-minute meeting with Konwar on Thursday. He was accompanied by JD(U) national president Sharad Yadav and senior BJP leader Arun Jaitley. Kumar said the list of ministers, who would take the oath with him, would be finanlised by top leaders of JD(U) and BJP.
"The governor has invited me to form the government tomorrow at 2.30 pm at the Gandhi maidan," Kumar told reporters after his 50-minute meeting with Konwar on Thursday. He was accompanied by JD(U) national president Sharad Yadav and senior BJP leader Arun Jaitley. Kumar said the list of ministers, who would take the oath with him, would be finanlised by top leaders of JD(U) and BJP.
where ever there is BJP there is development, the congress only provides corruption