A married woman, allegedly upset over eve teasing, committed suicide in Akola village of Chittorgarh district on Monday. She immolated herself along with her two daughters. In another incident, a couple ended their lives by jumping before a moving train in Dungargarh. With this, the death toll due to suicides has touched 18 in the state in just one month. Police said that the woman identified as Javeri Bheel, 45, was disturbed for quite some time. During wee hours of Tuesday, she poured kerosene on herself, her two daughters and son. Javeri and the girls were declared brought dead when taken to hospital while the son, identified as Manish, is undergoing treatment. “The condition of Manish is also critical since he had sustained almost 60% burn injuries,” police said.
Meanwhile in another case, a couple killed themselves by jumping in front of moving train in Dungargarh of Bikaner district. The couple were married to different people and reportedly committed suicide to avoid social boycott and non-recognition of their love life.The deceased were identified as Kamla (26) who was a native of Dungargarh village and Mohan Nath (26), a native of Radi village in Bikaner district. According to police, the couple have left a suicide note saying that since due to their separate marriages and responsibilities they could not live together, it was better to die together. “They had a married life and children separately but were in love with each other. The fear of social boycott and other reasons compelled them to take this step,” a senior police officer said.
Meanwhile in another case, a couple killed themselves by jumping in front of moving train in Dungargarh of Bikaner district. The couple were married to different people and reportedly committed suicide to avoid social boycott and non-recognition of their love life.The deceased were identified as Kamla (26) who was a native of Dungargarh village and Mohan Nath (26), a native of Radi village in Bikaner district. According to police, the couple have left a suicide note saying that since due to their separate marriages and responsibilities they could not live together, it was better to die together. “They had a married life and children separately but were in love with each other. The fear of social boycott and other reasons compelled them to take this step,” a senior police officer said.
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