The police have found the vehicle in which missing nurse Bhanwari Devi was allegedly kidnapped. The car (a Mahindra Bolero) was found from Kanodar village near here in Banaskantha district, police said. A police team recovered the vehicle (RJ 19 UA 3950) from a garage in Kanodar, a hub for auto repair in the region with about a dozen workshops. Indra Singh Rathod, circle inspector of Pipaar police station, said, “It seems somebody linked to the abduction brought the vehicle for repair on September 9. Garage owner Praveen Mistry told us the accused paid Rs 10,000 in advance for the repair, including a paint job.”
The garage owner, however, found the client’s behaviour strange and chose not to touch the vehicle. Bhanwari Devi had disappeared from Jodhpur over a month ago, amid reports that she had a CD showing a state minister in a compromising position with her. On Friday, the Rajasthan police received an anonymous letter claiming that Devi was still alive and is being held hostage by an influential politician from Haryana. The police, however, are not taking the letter sent from Nagaur seriously and suspecting it to be an attempt to distract the investigation.
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