Tropical cyclone 'Phet' in the Arabian sea intensified further, however, the storm remained stationary during the day about 1050 km southwest of Naliya in Kutch even as some parts of Gujarat received rainfall. Earlier on Wednesday, a heavy storm shattered the metal roof of a permanent structure of Tata Motor's Nano project site at Sanand, near Ahmedabad, less than an hour after it was inaugurated by Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi. Medium to light rainfall was recorded in many parts of the coastal districts of the state including Jamnagar, Junagadh, Amreli, Bhavnagar, Bharuch, Surat and others like Rajkot, Ahmedabad and Vadodara, IMD officials said. "The current environmental condition and Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) models suggest that the system would intensify further and move slowly in a north-northwesterly/ northerly direction in the next 24 hours, close to Oman coast and then re-curve northeastwards towards Pakistan and adjoining Gujarat coast, skirting Oman coast," an IMD official said.
Fishermen have been advised not to venture into the sea and 'Distant Ports Warning 2' has been hoisted at all ports in the state, the official said. Meanwhile, Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi held a review meeting to access administration's preparedness in case the cyclonic storm hits the state. "Eight teams of National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) have been deployed in the coastal districts of the state along with five companies of the State Reserve Police (SRP)," Relief Commissioner Poonamchandra Parmar said.
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