Rajasthan Electronics and Instruments Limited (REIL) Tuesday said it has got a Rs.300 crore order from the Rajasthan government to set up solar power packs in the state. Out of the Rs.300 crore, central financial assistance of Rs.92 crore has been sanctioned by the ministry of new and renewable energy, said REIL in a statement. A solar pack consists of solar-powered rechargeable batteries, which can be operated as a stand-alone unit. The packs will be installed in over 9,169 panchayats with a total capacity of 11 MW.
The electronic products manufacturer also said it had signed a five-year maintenance contract for the project. REIL is a joint venture of the government of India and Rajasthan government and has been conferred the status of a 'Mini Ratna'.
The electronic products manufacturer also said it had signed a five-year maintenance contract for the project. REIL is a joint venture of the government of India and Rajasthan government and has been conferred the status of a 'Mini Ratna'.
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